Bookipedia Reviews

Change Your Thoughts & Actions by Dr Surendra Sagar – Book Review

Book Review - Change Your Thoughts & Actions

If it was some other time of the year or perhaps if I would have come across this book two-three years back, I would have surely given this book a pass! But having recently published a book of the same genre and with the ongoing pandemic, I decided to download this book and give it a read.

First things first, this book is a small 109 pager non-fiction e-book that has been published by BlogChatter. It is a self-help guide for those people who are interested in living a more meaningful life than the never-ending pursuit of money assemblage.

Book Review - Change Your Thoughts & Actions

List of Contents

Book Title – Change Your Thoughts & Actions
Authors – Dr. Surendra Sagar, Compiled by Anupriya Chowdhary
Genre – Non- Fiction, Self-Help
Publisher – BlogChatter
Published in – (May 2020)
Pages – 109
Available Formats – e-Book Edition
Price – Available for Free Download
Download Link: Blogchatter

When I started reading the book, right from the content itself a strange yet striking similarity between my book and this book struck me. I was amazed at this coincidence and how somebody unknown to me was thinking about the same set of things while I was sitting here and penning down my ideas about life. It is very strange yet true!

Another interesting thing about this book is that it has been compiled by Anupriya Chowdhary, who herself is a published author. However, for the sake of bringing the author’s (Dr. Surendra Sagar) ideologies and understanding of life to the forefront, she took up this noble initiative of compiling the book rather than publishing her next.

About the Book:

‘Change Your Thoughts & Actions’ is a self-help book that talks about many finer concepts around life and living. The topics discussed in this book touch upon subjects of interest for a happier living that compels one to look deeper beyond the superficial living. Topics delving in Self-Awareness, Relationship with community, and Virtues, Wisdom & Karma have been clubbed together forming three sections of this book. Each section is further bifurcated into sub-chapters.

What Worked for Me:

  • The chapter division has been thoughtfully done.
  • The concepts are well explained and are a combination of life experiences and the learnings from the author’s guru.
  • Language is crisp and editing to the point.
  • There are quotes from famous personalities within the chapters that further, validate the author’s views.
  • At many instances, there are practical pointers given to combat a particular mental or social state.
  • There are some points that I agree fully while there are few that I don’t. Still, I appreciate the author’s clarity of thought and the way it has been put into words.
  • I loved the fact, how the author has written in bold his conclusion in the chapter ‘To Love & Be Loved’. I quite resonated those pointers.
  • Length of the book is good.

What Didn’t Work for Me:

  • The book cover, in my opinion, looks a little textbookish. Purely my view, it could have been a little more catchy.


My rating for this book would be 4/5. A good e-book to read and get some good food for thought.

(14) Comments

  1. Cindy says:

    I love when books have the proper editing but I guess most people go for the concept and storyline more than the grammatical errors. I don’t think this is my kind of book anyway. 😬

  2. Self help books are really good to read especially in times like these. Glad you reccomend this E book. Let me check out the availability to get a copy.

  3. I like self-help books, they kind of give you a new perspective of looking at the same things differently. Would love to download and read this book for sure, thank you for the crisp review.

  4. I have seen this book but not read it yet but going by your review will catch up on this one soon. Even I have published in non-fiction category. Dreams Decoded. Please do take out some time to read it.

  5. The cover of the book does seem a bit cliched but your review suggests that I shouldn’t judge the book by it. It sure sounds like a good dose of wisdom derived from a life of rich experiences.

  6. Really like that the author is providing new vision to live life meaningfully. I love reading anupriya blogs. Like that he compiled this books. Sounds intriguing from your review

  7. Theatiry if the book is really nice . I will definitely read it and good that it us available online to read .

  8. KAvita says:

    The title itself seem pretty intriguing to me, I would love to give this a read. I have already read a few books from this blogchatter e-book carnival and loving it all.

    1. Hope you have read mine as well.

  9. Self help books are surely to connect with me too, thanks for the review shall grab this one. And I too focus on division of sections very much plus the end has to be perfect with a liner.

  10. The caption of the book is quite intriguing. Self-help books always help you to be a better person. Thanks for the honest and crisp review.

  11. I loved how objectively you have reviewed this book buddy. Since I have read yours I feel enticed to read his one

  12. This looks like a good book. I will like to give it a read

  13. Having crisp language is good to come to the point. These self taught books are good for those who are shy and want to change themselves by them own.

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