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7 Life Lessons to be learnt from Life of Pi movie…

Every time I see this movie I am amazed with the writer Yann Martel‘s power of imagination. But I cannot side corner the artistic excellence of director Ang Lee as well. The curiosity of Pi Patel as a young boy towards religion and understanding God is captivating. Adding to it is the chemistry between him and the Bengal tiger named Richard Parker who are castaways and fight their fate for survival.
So here are 7 life lessons that one can learn from this awesome motivating movie:
  • Life Lesson #1

    Some people can never become you friends how hard you try; they can be enemy or just be acquaintance. Accept them as they are.
Either Enemy or Acquaintance?
Life Lesson #1. – Either Enemy or Acquaintance?
  • Life Lesson #2

    All it takes and matters is the will to survive.
Life Lesson #2. Survival..
Life Lesson #2.  – Survival..
  • Life Lesson #3

    …and then there is God, who has many mysterious ways of helping you!

    Life Lesson #3. - Believe!
    Life Lesson #3. – Believe!
  • Life Lesson #4

    Let Go!
Life Lesson #3. Let Go!
Life Lesson #4.  Let Go!
  • Life Lesson #5

    “Even when God seemed to have abandoned me, He was watching. Even when He seemed indifferent to my suffering, He was watching. and when I was beyond all hope of saving, He gave me rest. and gave me a sign to continue my journey.”                                         – Pi Patel from Life of Pi.
Life Lesson #4. God is watching us..
Life Lesson #5. God is watching us..
  • Life Lesson #6

     Take time out and have guts to say a last “Good Bye”. – No matter how hard it may be..
Life Lesson #6. A "Good Bye" is important..
Life Lesson #6. A “Good Bye” is important..
  • Life Lesson #7

    Happy ending is there if you strive for it.
Life Lesson #7. - Strive fr Happy Endings..
Life Lesson #7. – Strive for Happy Endings..